Here are 10 reasons why I love Vancouver:

  1. Family:

    • Well what can I say? My family is here. It’s the main reason I moved back!
  2. Hockey:

    • I get to restart my hockey career. Right now I get to play some ball hockey with a good crew. Looking to get back on the ice soon.
  3. Canucks:

    • The Canucks are back! As a lifelong fan it’s been a rough decade. But they are back and better than ever. A slight con is ticket prices have increased since last year and I expect next year to be even more expensive to watch them play.
  4. Food:

    • There is a plethora of good food everywhere. Any type of cuisine is available. I love being able to grab a good bowl of Pho without having to actually go to Vietnam!
  5. Weather:

    • Ok, this might not be for everyone but I really enjoy Snow! My first week back we had Snowmageddon. I appreciate a nice snowfall in the winter but also some sun in the summer without thinking I’m about to get heat stroke. 
  6. Tennis:

    • Much has changed for the tennis scene in Vancouver. At my old high school, they even repurposed 3 tennis courts into 5 pickleball courts! But there is still enough courts to be able to find a place to play every time, even if there’s some waiting involved. 
  7. TV:

    • Well I don’t watch much Live TV other than sports. It’s great to be able to watch a hockey game or baseball game that doesn’t start in the middle of the night or early morning.
  8. Multicultural Diversity:

    • ChatGPT got this one bang on. When I do my Volunteering for the Project Management Institute Canada West Coast Chapter (PMI CWCC) we have members from all over the world volunteering! It’s a great way to meet new people from different cultures!
  9. Space:

    • Compared to Asia, there’s just more space at home for things like collectables and gadgets. I’m loving having space for new Lego sets and firing up the takoyaki maker for a takoyaki party!
  10. Friends:

    • I’ve been gone for a long time. Even though I was able to meet my Vancouver friends occasionally, nothing beats knowing a meetup for a nightcap, or a nice chat in person is only a car ride away!